
About Our Services

We provide more than just appointments. We provide solutions! Empathy and partnership is our priority.

Medication Management

Integrative psychiatry doesn’t mean anti-medication —We can help you find the best medication regimen that helps you feel better without causing unnecessary side effects, and we can also help you reduce your need for medication by using holistic methods to give you extra support.


We provide Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Spiritual Psychotherapy, and Interpersonal Therapy in working with patients. Don’t get too caught up in the terms, though—the important thing for you to know is We start the therapy process by listening to you and hearing your story, and then We give you concrete tools to help you understand yourself and free yourself from negative patterns.

Lifestyle Coaching

The best medication regimen in the world won’t help if your sleep, nutrition, or exercise habits aren’t serving your mental health. It’s hard to change habits, though, and We can help you take small consistent steps forward that will create bigger positive results.

Herbal & Plant-Based Medicine

Prescription medications aren’t the only molecules that impact brain pathways involved with mood regulation, and We can work with you to use nutritional supplementation and plant-based medicines to feel better. If you’re already on a supplement regimen, We can help optimize it make sure you are taking the right supplements with the right formulation at the right dose, and We can make sure there are no dangerous interactions between any of the medications and supplements you are taking.

Functional Nutritional Testing

One of the limits of conventional lab testing is that just because your nutrient levels are in the “normal” range doesn’t mean you’re meeting all of your functional nutrient needs. We can work with you to use the latest technology of lab testing to examine your nutrient levels, organic acid levels, essential and metabolic fatty acid levels, amino acid levels, level of oxidative stress, and presence of toxins, which will allow us to further optimize your treatment regimen.

Advanced Hormonal Testing

One of biggest problems with our hectic modern lives is adrenal burnout and fatigue. We can provide advanced salivary cortisol and melatonin testing to assess adrenal function and better diagnose and treat chronic fatigue.

Gut Microbiome Testing

The medical community now understands the massive connection between gut health, our microbiome, and our mental health. We can provide advanced gastrointestinal stool testing to assess for maldigest ion, inflammation, dysbiosis, metabolite imbalance, and infection.

Food Allergy & Sensitivity Testing

What we eat can have a huge impact on how we feel, and some of us have food sensitivities that we may not be aware of that subtly affect our mood. We can provide advanced food allergy & sensitivity testing and guide you toward dietary changes to optimize your health.

Genetic Testing

No bodies or minds are exactly the same, and new research is showing how our genes can influence how we respond to treatment. We can use genetic testing to examine your predisposition for illness, predict response to specific medications, and optimize your medication regimen.

Mind-Body Medicine

We can teach you how to use meditation and mindfulness and prayer to stabilize your mood and better ride the natural waves of emotions that we inevitably experience by virtue of being human beings.

If you are not sure which treatment track is best for you, or if you have questions about us or our practice approach and you would like answered prior to scheduling the initial consultation, you may schedule a preliminary 20 minute phone call with us. 
Please keep in mind that this phone call will not establish a provider-patient relationship. The purpose of this call is to offer guidance regarding treatment paths and answer general questions. We would offer specific medical advice during your official initial consultation.