Personalized Integrative Psychiatry and Wellness

We value empathy and offer kindness and grace to each person. 

Our Services

About practice

Shiloh Health is an Integrative Psychiatry Practice founded on the belief that healing is a holistic process. We believe in combining Western medicine and Eastern wisdom practices.
Our goal is not just to prescribe you a medication and send you out, it’s to be a long-term, trusted partner in helping you achieve a healthy and happy life.

We incorporate prescription medications, herbal and plant-based medicine, lifestyle changes, talk
therapy, coaching, and mind-body medicine into a complete treatment plan to help you reach
your goals.

The right medication is only the beginning of your treatment.

What we do

#1 We Listen to you. We treat you based on your belief system.

#2 We offer treatment that gets to the root of the problem.

#3 We Consider medication AN option, not the ONLY option.

Why get your care from us

For more details contact us today.
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