Dr. Omene has worked in diverse specialties including outpatient psychiatry, Primary care, Oncology and Pediatrics.
Dr. Zian Omene is a dual certified Psychiatric Mental Health and Family practice provider who is qualified to practice both integrative psychiatry, Primary care/ wellness. Dr. Omene’s style of practice involves using a traditional treatment approach or using an integrative approach to care.
Dr. Omene has worked in diverse specialties including outpatient psychiatry, Primary care, Oncology and Pediatrics. She has seen patients across the lifespan and is currently caring for children, adolescents, and adults.
We can help you worry less, reduce panic attacks and obsessive behaviors, and function better at your job and in your relationships.
We can help stabilize your mood, feel happier, and live a more fulfilling life free from the cloud of depression or bipolar spectrum illness.
We can help you process emotional trauma, face your fears, and increase your ability to experience joy and other positive emotions again.
We can help you improve focus, concentration, and attention.
Family and Psychiatric Mental Health.
Shiloh Health is an Integrative Psychiatry Practice founded on the belief that healing is a holistic process. We believe in combining Western medicine and Eastern wisdom practices.
Shiloh Health © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Shiloh Health © 2024. All Rights Reserved.